2024 winning numbers: Early bird $500 winning number - 571; 1:00 - 048; 1:10 - 049; 1:20 - 571; 1:30 - 695; 1:40 - 344; 1:50 - 351; 2:00 - 142; 2:10 - 499; 2:20 - 604; 2:30 - 091; 2:40 - 705; 2:50 - 987; 3:00 - 640; 3:10 - 927; 3:20 - 270; 3:30 - 781; 3:40 - 132; 3:50 - 958; 4:00 - 431; 4:10 - 809; 4:20 - 631; 4:30 - 065; 4:40 - 246; 4:50 - 524; 5:00 - 887; 5:10 - 480; 5:20 - 197; 5:30 - 474; 5:40 - 648; 5:50 - 258; 6:00 - 973; Thank you to everyone who supported this fundraising event!! Winners will be contacted this week if they were not here today. We hope to see everyone next year.